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Table 1 Summary of sampling and in-situ testing point information in the Sanxingdui site

From: The sacrificial record in burial pits of the late Shang Dynasty: evidences from the chroma and magnetic properties of the Sanxingdui site, Sichuan, China

Numbers of in-situ testing and sampling

Samples attribute and sampling or testing location

Sediment characteristics

K4ST-4 (lab)

K4ST-4-1 (in-situ test)

A representative soil sample from K4’s bottom (depth = 134 cm) in contact with the ash layer

Brownish-yellow sandy silt and silt

K4W-H (lab)

K4W-H-1 (in-situ test)

A representative soil sample from K4’s western wall (depth = 110 cm) in contact with the ash layer

K4H-01 (lab)

K4H-01-1 (in-situ test)

Representative burnt soil debris in K4’s ash layer (depth of about 100 cm)

Irregular clayey silt and silt soil debris with dark red

K7N-H (lab)

K7N-H-1 (in-situ test)

A representative soil sample from K7’s northern wall (depth = 142 cm) in contact with the ash layer

Brownish-yellow sandy silt and silt

K7ST-1 (lab)

K7ST-1-1 (in-situ test)

A representative soil sample from K7’s bottom (depth = 161 cm) in contact with the ash layer

K4KP17 (lab)

Guanghan Clay with a depth of 105 cm, about 4 m to the western side of K4’s western wall

Brownish-yellow sandy silt and silt, visible iron-manganese cutans

K4KP20 (lab)

At the same location as K4KP17, and the depth is 126 cm