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Table 1 Evaluation of plant fibre morphological features for identification of species; following publications are cited [15, 33, 34, 36,37,38, 40, 41, 46,47,48]

From: Identifying plant fibres in cultural heritage with optical and electron microscopy: how to present results and avoid pitfalls

Morphological feature

Evaluated as diagnostic

Use with caution

or as indication


Fibre cell length

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412

Carr et al. 2008,79–83

Luniak 1953, 121

Wülfert 1999, 280

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89

Catling and Grayson 1982, 78

Fibre cell ends

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412


Herzog 1955, 319

Catling and Grayson 1982, 2

Dislocations and cross-markings

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412

Wülfert 1999, 280

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89

Luniak 1953, 122

Catling and Grayson 1982, 2

Bergfjord and Holst 2010, 957

Cross-section diameter

Carr et al. 2008, 79–83

Luniak 1953, 121

Wülfert 1999, 280

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89

Catling and Grayson 1982, 78

Bergfjord and Holst 2010, 1194

Lumen diameter

(ev. the thickness of cell wall)

Catling and Grayson 1982, 2

Gale and Cutler 2000, 17

Luniak 1953, 121

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89

Bergfjord and Holst 2010, 1194

Cross-section shape

Luniak 1953, 122

Catling and Grayson 1982, 4

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412

Carr et al. 2008, 79–83

Wülfert 1999, 280

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89

Luniak 1955, 319

Lukesova and Holst 2021, 224

Lumen shape

Luniak 1953, 122

Carr et al. 2008, 79–83

Wülfert 1999, 280

Lukesova and Holst 2021, 224

Cell structure/


Gale and Cutler 2000, 214

Carr et al. 2008, 79–83

Lukesova et al. 2019, 501

Wülfert 1999, 280

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 89



Crystal shapes

Catling and Grayson 1982, 3

Luniak 1953, 125

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412

Petraco and Kubik 2004, 107

Carr et al. 2008, 79–83

Bergfjord and Holst 2010, 1193

Marková 2019, 26


Adhering tissues

as spiral elements,

vessels and parenchyma cells, epidermal cells

Herzog 1955, 253

Catling and Grayson 1982, 3

Luniak 1953, 125

Gale and Cutler 2000, 412