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Table 1 Retrieved keywords and their number of valid reports, N = 95,033 (accessed on July 20, 2023)

From: Basic types and evolutionary characteristics of the socialist built heritage in China, 1949–1978: bibliometrics analysis of the People’s Daily

Terms types

Retrieved keywords (number of valid reports)



land reform (土地改革, 5,538), democratic reform (民主改革, 1,535), the Patriotic Health Campaign (爱国卫生运动, 985), anti-revisionism (反对修正主义, 879), the Five-Year Plan (五年计划, 4,921), socialist transformation (社会主义改造, 3,858), joint public private operation (公私合营, 2,030), increased production and savings (增产节约, 5,357), collectivization (合作化, 5,012), the Patriotic Movement for Plenty of Fruit (爱国丰产运动, 185), industrial construction (工业建设, 2,746), agricultural mechanization (农业机械化, 1,853), railroad transport production (铁路运输生产, 25), the People’s Communalization Movement (人民公社化, 489), household responsibility system (包产到户, 69), agricultural reclamation construction (农垦建设, 3), industrial consolidation (工业整顿, 1), people’s sports (人民体育, 280), water management (治水, 2,041), illiteracy (扫盲, 819), reforestation (造林, 2,567), developing science and technology (发展科学技术, 226), modernization of science and technology (科学技术现代化, 215), cultural revolution (文化革命, 1,483), technological innovation (技术革新, 4,343), technological revolution (技术革命, 702), culture to the countryside (文化下乡, 10), environmental protection (环境保护, 79), developing atomic energy (发展原子能, 73), the Third-Front Movement (三线建设, 0), advanced scientific research (尖端科学研究, 4)



Korean war (抗美援朝, 7,162), rectification movement (整风运动, 4,592), counter-revolutionary repression (镇压反革命, 682), the three-anti campaign (三反运动, 875), the five-anti campaign (五反运动, 206), the Great Leap Forward (“大跃进”运动, 8,016), reform of the writing system (文字改革, 273), socialist educational movement (社会主义教育运动, 789)


Slogans and Guidelines

“work hard, strive for excellence” (“鼓足干劲, 力争上游”, 1,229), “quicker and more economical” (“多快好省”, 3,125), “take the class struggle as a program” (“以阶级斗争为纲”, 1,904), “build up the country through thrift and hard work” (“勤俭建国”, 779), “forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals” (“上山下乡”, 1,059), “people of the world united” (“全世界人民团结起来”, 885), “unite for a greater victory” (“团结起来, 争取更大的胜利”, 512), “take steel as the key link” (“以钢为纲”, 87), “take grain as the key link” (“以粮为纲”, 1,153), “learn from Daqing in industry” (“工业学大庆”, 1,174), “learn from Tachai in agriculture” (“农业学大寨”, 2,788), “readjust, consolidate, fill out gaps and raise standards” (“调整, 巩固, 充实, 提高”, 43), “grasp the revolution and promote production” (“抓革命, 促生产”, 2,519), “open the door to the workers and peasants” (“向工农开门”, 482), “march for science” (“向科学进军”, 275), “learn from Lei Feng” (“向雷锋学习”, 39), “learn from the People’s Liberation Army” (“学人民解放军”, 69), “the community comes and goes” (“社来社去”, 52), “a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend” (“百花齐放, 百家争鸣”, 317), “Deng Xiaoping’s four modernizations” (“四个现代化”, 994), “science and technology are the first productive forces” (“科学技术是第一生产力”, 0), “prepare for war, prepare for famine, prepare for the people” (“备战, 备荒, 为人民”, 1,171)



Standard of Truth (真理标准, 21), 156 Soviet-sponsored construction projects (156项, 8), trust (托拉斯, 207), China-Soviet Friendship and Alliance (中苏友好同盟互助, 687), cooperation agreement (合作协定, 2,531)



