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Table 1 Definition of core categories of Xinjiang unearthed brocade

From: Developing an ontological model for Xinjiang unearthed brocades



Literature source

E4 period (unearthed time)



E5 event (archaeological event)

Sino-Japanese Joint Research of the Niya Site


E53 place (excavation site)

Astana-Karakhoja Cemetery


E18 physical thing (unearthed brocades terminology)

Five Stars Rise in the East


E52 time-span (periods of manufacturing brocade)

Han and Jin Dynasties


E25 human-made feature (brocade dimensions, colors, patterns and inscriptions)

Length is 35 cm, width is 41.3 cm, red, blue, white, yellow, plant pattern, animal pattern and inscription of 延年益寿大宜子孙


E22 human-made object (brocade types)

