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Table 1 The difference in the definition of LOD between UK’s and Chinese

From: Cultural heritage characteristics and damage analysis based on multidimensional data fusion and HBIM–taking the former residence of HSBC bank in Xiamen, China as an example

LOD level

Definition in BIM for Heritage

Definition in GB/T 51301-2018


Basic outline of the building/structure represented as a solid object using representative component information but with no architectural detail depicted

Carrying project, sub-project or partial building information


outline of the building/structure represented as a solid object with principal architectural features included using generic components’

Modules or spatial information that carry full functionality1


Outline of the building/structure represented as a solid object with principal architectural features included using generic components’

Carrying single component or product information


Detailed survey of the building/structure represented as a solid object including all architectural detail, services and custom developed components to accurately represent fabric type’

Carrying information on constituent or mounting parts that are subordinate to the component or product