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Table 6 Ecological protection measures

From: Quantitative assessment of ecological assets in the world heritage karst sites based on remote sensing: with a special reference to South China Karst

Ecological conservation measures


Retiring cultivated land for reforestation

Encourages farmers to retire cultivated land for reforestation, improving soil quality and the ecosystem

Ecological compensation

Levies environmental taxes on polluters to encourage eco-friendly behaviors

Ecological red lines

Establishes ecological protection boundaries and strengthens ecological protection oversight

Construction of ecological civilization

Promotes the development of ecological civilization, fostering green growth and environmental awareness

Ecological restoration

Restores damaged ecosystems by reviving the functions and stability of natural ecological systems, enhancing ecological quality

“Carbon peaking” and “carbon neutrality” commitment

Commits to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, promoting greenhouse gas emissions reduction and renewable energy development

National forestry resource protection and sustainable development plan

Promotes the protection and sustainable utilization of forest resources, mitigating deforestation and land degradation

“Green waters and mountains are gold and silver” policy

Emphasizes ecological protection to drive sustainable economic growth through environmental conservation

Improvement of natural ecosystem quality

Comprehensively enhances the functionality and quality of important ecological safety barriers, advancing the sustainable utilization and circulation of ecosystems

Establishment of the ecological civilization pilot area system

Accelerates the refinement of ecological civilization performance evaluation and accountability systems, the establishment of ecological environmental protection regulations and standards, and the development of public interest litigation and law enforcement judicial systems