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Table 1 Summary results of paint pigments with FTIR and SEM–EDS

From: Whitish haze, soapy globules: micro-analysis of degraded burmese paintings on zinc supports





Saya Aye (sampling location)

 White (curtain)

Pb (Al, Cu, Zn)

Lead white

Lead white

 Red (shirt of daughter)

C*, Pb, Al, Si, P, Zn, Ca (Mg, K, Fe, Cu)

Lead white

Lead white + organic dye?

 Orange (ball on baby’s hand)

C*, Pb, Zn (Al, Mg, Si, P, K, Ca, Ba, Cr, Fe, Cu)

Organic dye, possibly madder

Organic dye, possibly madder

 Yellow (design on armchair)

Pb (Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Zn)

Lead chromate, barium sulphate, lead white, zinc soaps

Chrome yellow, lead white

 Blue (ball on baby’s hand)

Pb, Zn, Ca (Al, Si, P, K, Ba, Fe, Cu)

Prussian blue, lead white

Prussian blue, lead white

 Green (sleeve of daughter)

Pb (Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ba, Cr, Fe, Zn)

Prussian blue, lead white

Prussian blue, chrome yellow, lead white

 Silver dots (design on upper clothing)



Saya Mya (sampling locations)

 White (scarf)

Pb (Al, Cu)

Lead white

Lead white

 Red (skirt)

Pb, Hg (Zn, Cu, Ca, Al)

Lead white

Vermilion, lead white

 Orange (at center of couch)

C*, Pb, Ba, S (Mg, Al, Ca, Cu, Zn)

Lead white, barium sulphate

Lead white, barium sulphate, organic dye?

 Yellow (curves on armchair)

Pb, Cr, Ca (Mg, Al, Si, Cu, Zn)

Lead chromate, lead white

Chrome yellow

 Blue (shirt)

Pb (Al, Si, P, Fe, Cu, Zn)

Prussian blue, lead white

Prussian blue

 Green (leaves on trees at back)

Pb, Ca, Cr (Al, Si, P, K, Ba, Fe, Cu, Zn)

Prussian blue, lead white, chrome yellow

Prussian blue and chrome yellow

 Silver dots (on scarf)



  1. Relative amounts in major, minor and (traces)
  2. C* refers to carbon from the sample or the carbon adhesive tabs used to mount the sample