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Fig. 12 | Heritage Science

Fig. 12

From: Major to trace element imaging and analysis of iron age glasses using stage scanning in the analytical dual beam microscope (tandem)

Fig. 12

taken from Rudnick and Gao [48, 49] and X-axis element order generally, but not exclusively, in order of decreasing ionic radius

Normalized multi-element diagram, or spidergram, where specimen compositions are shown relative to the Earth’s bulk continental crust. A Mean dark and clear glass compositions in BB1b are shown in red nested- and blue cross haired-filled circles. B Patterns for six representative amphibolites from [21, 42] shown in black and gray lines enriched at Broborg hillfort relative to the boulder lithologies found in the surrounding area [20] and the mean dark glass composition measured here. Composition of the bulk continental crust

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