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Table 3 Stratigraphic Sequences on Polychromy on GLAHM.F1

From: Multi-technique analysis of pigments on sandstone sculptures: Renaissance re-painting of a Roman relief








Pigments present

Cross section stratigraphy

(top to base)

Ivy tendril

Light brown

As, Pb, Fe, Cl

Low Ca,

Calcium carbonate, lead sulphate

Realgar?, red lead, lead sulphate, red ochre, calcium carbonate

1. Realgar?

2. Red lead

3. Lead sulphate, calcium carbonate and red ochre*

Griffin groove


As, Pb, Cl

Low Al

Lead sulphate, resin, proteinaceous material (binder?)

Carbon black, realgar?, red lead, lead sulphate?

1. Carbon black and resin*

2. Realgar? and red lead and/or lead sulphate*

Griffin eye pupil

Black overlying white

Sn, As, Pb, Cu, Mn, Cl

Low Si

Calcium carbonate, organic material (resin/oil?)

Carbon black, lead sulphate, lead tin yellow, red lead, realgar?, Red lead, calcium carbonate

1. Carbon black

2. Lead sulphate and lead tin yellow*

3. Carbon black, resin/oil and calcium carbonate*

4. Realgar? and red lead and/or lead sulphate*

Rosette petal in griffin

No colour visible

Fe, Cl, Mg

Trace Pb

Low, Ca, S

No micro sample

Red ochre

No micro sample

Flat area beside griffin

Medium brown

As, Pb, Mn

Low Ca

No micro sample

Realgar?, Red lead

1. Realgar? and Red Lead * (based on external border of frame)

External border of carved inscription frame



Trace As

Low Ca, Al, S

Calcium Carbonate, Lead Sulphate, Proteinaceous material (binder?)

Carbon black, realgar?, Red lead, lead sulphate, calcium carbonate

1. Carbon black

2. Red lead and realgar?*

3. Red lead and/or Lead Sulphate and Calcium Carbonate*

Carved inscription frame

Medium brown overlain with gold

Ba, As, Au, Pb, W, Fe, P

Traces Sn

Low Ca

(one analysis spot has additional Bi, Cu, Ni, Co, Mn, Cl, Mg and low Si, Ca)

Lead Sulphate, Resin, Calcium Carbonate, Organic binder (hint)

Gold gild, Red ochre, carbon black, resin, realgar?, Red lead, lead sulphate, calcium carbonate


1. Gold Gilding

2. bole with Red Ochre and Carbon Black *

3. resin

4. same as 2

5. same as 3

6. same as 2

7. Realgar? and red lead *

8. Lead sulphate and orpiment? *

9. Lead sulphate and calcium carbonate *

Internal border of carved inscription frame


As, Pb, Cu

Low Ca

Natural Wax

Carbon black

1. Carbon Black and Wax *

Inscription panel background


Ba, Sn, Bi, As, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Mn

Low Ca, Al

Smalt, Beeswax

Blue spot – Beeswax, Smalt



Red lead


1. Smalt and wax*

2. Red lead

3. Orpiment?

Letter (N of ANTONINO and A of CAESAR)

Medium brown overlain with gold

Ba, Bi, As, Au, Pb, W, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, P, Cl

Low Ca, Al, Si, Mg

Traces Sn

Smalt, calcium carbonate, wax or resin, proteinaceous material (binder/bole?)

Gold gild, realgar?, Red lead, red ochre, smalt, lead sulphate, calcium carbonate, resin/wax (hint)

1. Gold gild

2. Realgar?, Red lead and red ochre *

3. Realgar

4. Orpiment

5. Smalt and wax *

6. Lead sulphate and calcium carbonate (red lead?)*

Resin hint (layer uncertain)

  1. * Indicates mixing of more than one pigment in a layer