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Table 4 Overview of the paint reconstructions made

From: Reconstructing Van Gogh’s palette to determine the optical characteristics of his paints



Binding medium

Zinc white

Kremer Pigmente ‘zinc white’

Poppyseed oil

Lead white

RCE reference collection, Schoonhoven de Kat

Poppyseed oil

Chrome yellow

Aldrich ‘lead(II) chromate’

Linseed oil

Chrome yellow lemon

Prepared by Vanessa Otero (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) according to Winsor and Newton manufacturing process [52]

Linseed oil


Home-made based on late 19th and early 20th century recipes

Linseed oil

Linseed oil + paraffin wax


Kremer Pigmente ‘carmine naccarat’

Linseed oil


Kremer Pigmente ‘vermilion’

Linseed oil

Red lead

RCE reference collection

Sikkens verkoop Nederland N.V., Sassenheim

Linseed oil

Viridian green

Kremer Pigmente ‘viridian green’

Linseed oil

Emerald green

RCE reference collection

N.V. Vernis-en Verffabriek Vettewinkel and Zonen

Linseed oil

Ultramarine blue

Kremer Pigmente, ‘ultramarine blue, dark’

Poppyseed oil

Cobalt blue

Kremer Pigmente ‘cobalt blue medium’

Poppyseed oil

Prussian blue

Kremer Pigmente ‘Prussian blue LUX’

Poppyseed oil

Barium sulphate

Kremer Pigmente ‘blanc fixe’

Poppyseed oil

Calcium carbonate

Kremer Pigmente ‘calcium carbonate’

Poppyseed oil

Bone blacka

Kremer Pigmente ‘bone black’

Linseed oil

  1. aNot part of Van Gogh’s palette