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Table 1 Summary of pigment classes and data used to generate synthetic spectra

From: Neural network-based classification of X-ray fluorescence spectra of artists’ pigments: an approach leveraging a synthetic dataset created using the fundamental parameters method

Pigment class

Description of data


Arsenic sulphides

Average of theoretical orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (As4S4)


Bone black

Average of values reported for bone black (1:18 Mg:Ca) and ivory black (1:8 Mg:Ca) from SEM–EDX measurements



Theoretical calcite (CaCO3)


Copper pigments

Average of theoretical azurite (2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2), malachite (CuCO3·Cu(OH)2) and verdigris (Cu(CH3COO)2Cu(OH)2·5H2O)



Average of values for gilding on 14–15th century German and Swiss polychrome wooden sculptures from SEM–EDX measurements


Green earth

Average of values for Bohemian, Cypriot and Italian green earth pigment powders from SEM–EDX measurements



Theoretical gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O)


Iron earth pigments

Average of values for iron earth pigment powders sourced across Europe from SEM–EDX and quantitative XRD measurements

[31, 32]

Lead–tin yellow

Average of values reported for lead–tin yellow types I and II in 14–15th century Italian paintings from SEM–EDX measurements


Lead pigments

Average of theoretical red lead (Pb3O4) and average hydrocerussite (Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2)/cerussite (PbCO3) content of lead white in 14–16th century European paintings from synchrotron XRD measurements


Naples yellow

Theoretical Naples yellow (Pb2Sb2O7)



Average of values for smalt in sixteenth century Netherlandish and French paintings from SEM–EDX measurements



Average of values for lapis lazuli in 14–18th century European paintings from SEM–EDX measurements



Average of values for umber pigment powders sourced across Europe from SEM–EDX measurements



Theoretical vermilion (HgS)


  1. Pigment classes in italics use the theoretical formulas listed to generate synthetic spectra. See Table 2 for quantitative values for all pigment classes, sourced from the references listed