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Table 1 Interview survey questions

From: Visitor’s experience evaluation of applied projection mapping technology at cultural heritage and tourism sites: the case of China Tangcheng



Question Title

Attitudes towards visitor reviews:


The relationship between PJM and visitors’ experience:

Q4, Q6, Q10

Industry developments and issues:

Q5, Q7-Q9

Common Questions

Q1: Do companies/studios currently conduct surveys specifically on visitor experience? Are the results satisfactory?

Q2: If you were to collect feedback on visitors’ experiences and evaluations, which aspects would you prefer to get first?

Q3: What aspects of visitor and online reviews are you most looking forward to receiving and what aspects of negative reviews are you most concerned about?

Q4: Do you think the use of digital media technologies such as PJM has had a significant impact on the way the visitors visit and experience? What are the main areas that have been most affected?

Q5: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ‘digital tourism’ compared to traditional cultural heritage site tourism?

Q6: Have you experienced any of the activities you have developed as a visitor or with your family/friends?

Enterprise developer-only questions

Q7: As a developer, what positive effect do you hope your activities will have on society?

Q8: As a PJM event developed in a heritage site, what positive effect do you expect your event to have on the heritage site

Designers-only questions

Q9: What have you found to be the biggest obstacles and difficulties in your design work?

Q10: As a designer, what types of feedback do you find most informative for PJM content design?

  1. This study organized the perspectives of developers and designers into separate tables to summarize consistent and individual reference perspectives (A is for developers and B is for designers):