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Table 2 Experimental conditions for the desalination experiments

From: Desalination of Hamipterus tianshanensis fossil by electrokinetic method: evaluation for treatment of clay-rich sandstone

Poultice used

Stone number (size)a

Initial current (mA)b

Duration (days)


paper pulp

No. 1 (5/6/6)a



Poultice replaced every 3 days

CKS 121

No. 4 (6/7/7)



Poultice replaced every 3 days 

  1. aNumbers within the parentheses mean the samples size. For example, No. 1 (5/6/6) means that this stone segment (No. 1) is about 5 cm long, 6 cm thick and 6 cm high
  2. bThe DC power supply was set to supply a constant current of 10 mA. Thus, the initial current was 10 mA. Since the increasing resistance during the experiments, the current could no longer maintain at 10 mA and began to decrease at a constant voltage of 20 V