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Correction to: Supply ranges of stone blocks used in masonry bridges and their construction period along the East Royal Road in the Khmer Empire, Cambodia

The Original Article was published on 16 April 2020

Correction to: Herit Sci (2020) 8:38

Following publication of the original article [1], several errors were identified in the last paragraph of the Methods section, in the Figure legends for Figs. 6, 7, and the Additional file legends for Additional files 1 and 6.

The updated paragraph of the “Methods” section and the corrected legends are given below and the changes have been highlighted in bold typeface.


To infer the supply range of laterite blocks used for the bridges, hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses were conducted. The median concentrations of each element and magnetic susceptibility (Table 1) standardised to a constant total were used in the cluster and principal component analyses (Additional file 1) [31–33]. T-tests were performed to examine the confidence of the deduced groupings of the bridges using chemical compositions and magnetic susceptibility of laterite and sandstone blocks. R (ver. 3.5.3) was used for the cluster and principal component analyses and t-tests [34].

Fig. 6 Dendrogram obtained from hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward’s method for the bridges along the East Royal Road, based on median chemical composition and magnetic susceptibility data for laterite blocks listed in Table 1. The median concentrations of each element and magnetic susceptibility standardised to a constant total.

Fig. 7 Results of the principal component analysis are shown as principal component 1 vs. 2 and principal component 1 vs. 3 diagrams. The median concentrations of each element and magnetic susceptibility standardised to a constant total were used in the analysis.

Additional file 1: Data used for the cluster and principal component analyses. The median concentrations of each element and magnetic susceptibility data listed in Table 1 were standardised to a constant total.

Additional file 6: Results of cluster analyses using single linkage, complete linkage, group average, centroid, median, and Ward’s methods.

The original article [1] has been corrected.


  1. Uchida E, Sakurai Y, Cheng R, Shimoda I, Saito Y. Supply ranges of stone blocks used in masonry bridges and their construction period along the East Royal Road in the Khmer Empire, Cambodia. Herit Sci. 2020;8:38.

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Uchida, E., Sakurai, Y., Cheng, R. et al. Correction to: Supply ranges of stone blocks used in masonry bridges and their construction period along the East Royal Road in the Khmer Empire, Cambodia. Herit Sci 8, 46 (2020).

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